Next Academy Navoday Book 2024

Next Academy Navoday Book 2024
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TYPES OF NOUN | By-Prof. Dipak Burhade


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TYPES OF NOUN | By-Prof. Dipak Burhade


“Dear Students and Teachers, we have been studied Tenses , Direct-Indirect Speech, Modal Auxiliaries, Question-tags and Assoon as/No sooner…than . I observed your tremendous response for all these topics. I am very grateful to Mr. Viraj Thakare Sir who provided me such a tremendous platform to share my knowledge with English Language Learners.”

Today, we are studying one more important topic in English Grammar i.e. Types of Noun. A noun is a part of speech that names a person, place, thing, idea, action or quality.


Let’s study the Typesof Noun with Prof. Dipak Burhade, with the help of his Website.
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Click the link below to visit the Website


Noun is the word that refers to a thing, a person, a place, an idea, a quality or an event.

E.g. Box, House, Julie, Benjamin, London, New York, Joy, Honesty, Brilliance, Generosity, Day, Lightning etc.


Proper Noun

A Noun that indicates a particular thing, person or place. It always remains in capital letter.

E.g. Paris, Dubai, Arthur, Javed, January, Monday, Earth, Britain, Amazon, Titanic, Sony, Samsung etc.

Common Noun

A Noun that indicates a thing, idea, person, animal or place in a class or group. It doesn't remain in capital letter.

e.g.  book, chair, phone, father, teacher, man, baby, shop, lion, elephant, bird, city, nation, garden, love, anger etc.

Collective Noun

A Noun that indicates a collection of people, things, animals etc.

e.g.  Herd, group, crowd, class, hospital, bunch, team, colony, family, gang, set etc.

Material Noun

A Noun that indicates a material from which different things are made. It is not counted in numbers.

e.g. water, oil, gold, cotton, rubber, wool, sand, honey, meat, plastic, air, coal, chemical etc.

Abstract Noun

A Noun that indicates an idea, quality, feeling or concept. They cannot be seen or touched, they can only be experienced.

E.g. love, hate, kindness, truth, danger, courage, beauty, fear, honesty, patience, strength, ability, luck etc.

Concrete Noun

A Noun that indicates any living or non-living thing. It can easily be seen, touched, tasted, heard or smelled 

e.g. ball, stone, tree, man, bag, dog, gate, egg, frog, bus, train, apple, hotel, milk, piano, salt, sofa, etc.

Countable Nouns
A Noun that indicates the things which we can count using numbers. They are singular as well as plural. Words like ‘few, many, less, little, much, least, one, two, three etc.’ are used before them

E.g.  Car/cars, dog/dogs, book/books, house/houses, man/men, thief/thieves, player/players, paper/papers, bag/bags etc.

Uncountable Nouns

A Noun that indicates the things which we cannot count using numbers. They are always singular.   

E.g. water, information, gas, rain, advice, grief, sleep, important, joy, knowledge, magic, luck, moonlight etc.

Compound Nouns

A Noun that indicates the combination of two or more words. Each Compound Noun acts as a single unit. It can be modified by adjectives or other nouns.

E.g. haircut, cowboy, aircraft, baseball, inland, railway, outdoor, landslide, ice cream, gateway, rainbow, bedroom etc.

Possessive Nouns

A Noun that indicates the possession of something. Generally it is formed by adding apostrophes. They are both singular and plural.

e.g. cat’s, boss’s, Sam’s, Mary’s, people’s, Florida’s, sun’s, one’s, shirt’s, dentist’s, children’s, men’s, visitor’s etc.


इयत्ता १२ वी ची इंग्रजी विषयाची ८० गुणांची नवीन अभ्यासक्रमाची ‘सराव कृतीपात्रिका’(Practice Activity Sheet) मी माझ्या वेबसाईटवर टाकलेली आहे.  Activity Sheet PDF  डाऊनलोड करण्यासाठी खालील लिंकवर क्लिक करा-



Prof. Dipak Burhade

सर्व रोज शैक्षणिक नवीन Update मिळवण्यासाठी आम्हाला खालील कोणत्याही लिंक वरून जॉईन करा.


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आपला ठाकरे : TYPES OF NOUN | By-Prof. Dipak Burhade
TYPES OF NOUN | By-Prof. Dipak Burhade
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